What is coaching? Is there a difference between coaching and training?
Coaching is a free service offered by the club. Coaching is simply having someone show you around the facility introducing you to the equipment while providing basic exercise instruction. Coaching is something you would expect to receive when first becoming a member but surprisingly is not offered by most gyms. Coaching at our club is available anytime, for any member. Coaching may also include basic advice on nutrition and weight loss. We’re here to help you become successful with the reason(s) you decided to join our club. Please don’t be shy; there is never an obligation, and we will not try to sell you something you don’t want.
Training is a paid service offered by the club. Training is personal and goal oriented. The training program is called FITx. Training is having a certified trainer to program and monitor your workouts. FITx Training workouts include one-on-one, semi-private, and large group sessions. Training is designed to maximize your efforts while in the gym, providing safe and lasting results. Every member can request a free of week FITx training at any time, however, as a member you are entitled to 2 weeks of free FITx training as part of your new membership.